• Opera

    • Hamlet
      • Descrizione
      • Risorse docenti
      • My Book Box
    • William Shakespeare     


      • Descrizione
      • Risorse docenti
      • My Book Box


      A Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy that follows Prince Hamlet as he seeks revenge for his father’s murder. With twists, turns, and ghostly encounters, Hamlet navigates a world of lies, love, and madness.

      Join him in unravelling the mysteries of power and morality in this thrilling tale of tragedy and revenge.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and extra reading, to explore and expand cultural and historical aspects associated with the story from the perspective of a group of teenagers, acting in the play.

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  • Formati libro

    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 15 x 21
      Stampa: Colori
      Pagine: 160
      ISBN: 9788836016457
      Prezzo: € 9,90

    Formati digitali

    • Piattaforma: bSmart
      ISBN: 9788836016464
      Prezzo: € 7,43