Autore: James Joyce

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    • James Joyce   


      Level B2/C1

      In Dubliners Joyce explores the lives of his fellow citizens in colonial Dublin, his native city, at the turn of the 20th century.

      Through the power of astute observation and artistry, the writer reveals the deep-seated connections between the forces of family, religion and political subjection - forces that trap the characters into what Joyce called a moral paralysis.

      The stories can be read independently or as part of an organic whole, a path from childhood to maturity which offers hidden clues to interconnections between characters, situations and themes.

      Joyce’s innovative approach to the short story form has made this collection one of the most enduring masterpieces of European literature.

      This volume includes an essential biography of the author, an extensive introduction, spot-on notes to the text and a wide range of activities for comprehension and analysis.

    • James Joyce   


      A selection. Level B2/C1

      Dubliners was James Joyce’s first endeavour to put his native city and its inhabitants onto the literary map of the world. A century after its first publication, the stories still conjure up the Dublin of Joyce’s youth, recounting critical moments in the lives of his fellow citizens in an Ireland held captive by British Rule and Irish Catholicism.

      Narrated in a deceptively simple style, each story can be read independently or as part of an organic whole, offering the reader an insight into the complexity and originality of Joyce’s artistic vision. The result is a unique reading experience, which serves as an excellent introduction to the artist who would go on to astound the world with the great epic novels Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.