• Book

    • Andrea Forni      Massimiliano Malandra     

      Investing in future Megatrends

      Investment scenarios connected to demographic, technological and environmental factors

    • Investing in future Megatrends
      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press
    • Andrea Forni      Massimiliano Malandra     

      Investing in future Megatrends

      Investment scenarios connected to demographic, technological and environmental factors

      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press


      How can the structural changes that affect the global economy be exploited? This book accompanies readers in understanding the megatrends that will drive the economic and social development of the coming decades.

      Based on these premises, around twenty investments scenarios are described, developing demographic, technological, environmental, social and geo-strategic themes.

      Each scenario is accompanied by the construction of a theoretical portfolio consisting of listed companies and innovative start-ups, and asset management instruments such as ETFs, certificates and funds. These scenarios can be easily replicated by the readers, who will have available for their analyses more than 400 financial instruments.

      The book provides a chance to take a look at how the world is changing with global warming, overpopulation, scarcity of resources, the increasing role of East Asia, the extensive application of digital technologies, the entry of robotics and Artificial Intelligence in society and at work: all these megatrends represent new challenges for individuals, the economy, society, and the planet.

      About the author

      Andrea Forni is an expert in investment scenarios in technological, environmental, and demographic trends. He is a member of the Register of Financial Consultants and holds the IFTA CFTe international certification. He was a researcher in Artificial Intelligence for banking applications and a university professor of business information technology. He is the co-author of La Ruota dei Mercati finanziari (Hoepli 2018) and authored two further books, among which Robot. La nuova era (Robots. The new Era).

      Massimiliano Malandra, financial journalist, is a fundamental analyst and member of Aiaf. He worked at the Study Office of the weekly magazine «Borsa & Finanza» until 2012 and in 2013 he co-founded the website FinanzaOperativa.com. An expert in risk parity approach, he follows quantitative strategies built by this method in ETFs and investment funds. He works with the main Italian financial magazines, he is co-author of La Ruota dei Mercati finanziari (Hoepli 2018) and of a chapter in the book Invest in Europe Now! by David Kotok and Vincenzo Sciarretta (Wiley & Sons 2010).

  • Book formats

    • Binding: Paperback
      Size: 15,5 x 23
      Print: Bianco e nero
      Pages: XVIII-206
      ISBN: 9788820398507
      Price: € 32,90

    Digital formats

    • epub
      ISBN: 9788820398514
      Price: € 26,99
    • Piattaforma: Amazon
      ISBN: 9788820398514
    • Piattaforma in abbonamento: Perlego