• Book

    • The Architecture of Milan
      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press
    • Marco Biraghi      Adriana Granato     

      The Architecture of Milan

      The city written by Architects from the post-war Period to Today

      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press


      From 1945 to the 21st century, Milan’s architecture has given the city a truly unique international vibe. The book features 150 critical sheets, drawings and original photographs that retrace the history of an Italian way to modernity.

      In the book, a pool of authoritative scholars and designers critically examine the most significant buildings (residential buildings, offices, monuments and churches) designed by famous Italian and foreign architects who, over the last 75 years, have given Milan an important role on the international scene, making it an open-sky museum of modern and contemporary architecture.

      The refined photography by Sosthen Hennekam (a highly appreciated designer and photographer in the world of architecture), the redesigned plans of the buildings and the city maps give the book a technical and aesthetic quality in the finest tradition of Hoepli publications on similar subjects.

      About the author

      Marco Biraghi is full professor of History of Contemporary Architecture at Milan’s Polytechnic. For Hoepli, he has edited several editions of Guida all’architettura di Milano (2013, 2014, 2018) and the re-edition of Nuove architetture a Milano by R. Aloi (2020).

      Adriana Granato holds a PhD in architecture from Milan’s Polytechnic and the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. She teaches Architectural Technology at Milan’s Polytechnic. She co-authored Ludwig Mies van Rohe. Lo spirito della tecnica (Carocci, 2021).

  • Book formats

    • Binding: Paperback
      Size: 19,5 x 26
      Print: Black and white
      Pages: 496
      ISBN: 9788836006113
      Price: € 59,90

    Digital formats

    • epub
      ISBN: 9788836006120
      Price: € 49,99
    • Piattaforma: Amazon
      ISBN: 9788836006120
    • Piattaforma in abbonamento: Perlego