• Book

    • Mariano Diotto     


      Effective Marketing Strategy Tools and Techniques for Creatives and Marketers

    • Neuromarketing
      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press
    • Mariano Diotto     


      Effective Marketing Strategy Tools and Techniques for Creatives and Marketers

      • Overview
      • About the author
      • Press


      An introduction to neuromarketing – the discipline that merges traditional marketing with cognitive psychology, semiotics, linguistics, sociology and neuroscience.

      The book provides a solid cultural foundation for beginners and debunks many clichés as it guides readers through the basics of neuromarketing, while detailing the necessary tools to design an effective communication, advertising and marketing strategy.

      In order to stay in the market, managers, creatives, advertisers and marketers must be aware of the mental processes linked to customer experience, sensory perception, memory, emotions, the use of cognitive biases and archetypes, rationality and the interaction mechanisms between knowledge, learning and the customer’s decision-making process.

      Thanks to its reader-friendly approach as well as its numerous tips and tricks, Neuromarketing allows you to easily soak up this wealth of knowledge and use it as a powerful ally in today’s and tomorrow’s companies in order to increase the success of traditional marketing.

      About the author

      Mariano Diotto is one of the best-known Italian speakers at the most important marketing, communication and digital events. He is a university lecturer, brand strategist and neurobranding expert, as well as the Brand Department coordinator at AINEM (Italian Neuromarketing Association). He is the author of Neurobranding (Hoepli, 2020).

  • Book formats

    • Binding: Paperback
      Size: 15,5 x 23
      Print: A 2 colori
      Pages: XIV-170
      ISBN: 9788836004126
      Price: € 22,90

    Digital formats

    • epub
      ISBN: 9788820399320
      Price: € 18,99
    • Piattaforma: Amazon
      ISBN: 9788820399320