• Book

    • Discovering and Understanding China
      • Overview
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      • About the author
    • Tommaso Rossi      Cristina Caterina Rambaldini     

      Discovering and Understanding China

      A Handbook of History, Literature and Civilisation

      • Overview
      • Resources and audio
      • Teaching resources
      • My Book Box
      • About the author


      Written mostly in Chinese, the book features historical, literary and socio-cultural content for language students as well as readers interested in discovering the complex and multifaceted China universe.

      The book is divided into fifteen units that retrace Chinese history from its beginnings to the present day and explore literary aspects (author biographies, currents and extracts from around fifty original texts), as well as offering numerous cultural and topical ideas, often analysed from a comparative perspective.

      The careful use of vocabulary and syntax enables readers to progress from an A2+ to a B1+ level. The contents are conveyed in Chinese and each unit ends with a summary in Italian.

      Each reading includes glossaries in Italian as well as comprehension, textual analysis, writing and thematic comparison exercises. Furthermore, many of the texts include an audio recording to help improve oral comprehension.

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      About the author

      Tommaso Rossi graduated in Economic and Legal Languages and Institutions of Asia and Mediterranean Africa at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and perfected his Chinese at the Capital Normal University of Beijing. He currently teaches at Liceo Linguistico G. Carducci in Ferrara and at the University of Ferrara.

      Cristina C. Rambaldini, a graduate in Languages, Cultures and International Communication from the University of Milan, perfected her study of Chinese at Beijing People’s University and at Fudan in Shanghai. She is currently a teacher at Liceo Linguistico A. Lunardi in Brescia.

  • Book formats

    • Binding: Paperback
      Size: 19,5 x 26
      Print: Colours
      Pages: XIV-514
      ISBN: 9788820397463
      Price: € 29,90

    Digital formats

    • Piattaforma: bSmart
      ISBN: 9788836004461
      Price: € 24,99