• Book

    • The history of sailing
      • Overview
      • About the author
    • Massimo Pappalardo     

      The history of sailing

      Between Business, War and Sport

      • Overview
      • About the author


      A journey through the centuries to discover sailing and its role in commercial, political and military history and sport.

      The book investigates the development of sailing in the western world, from the first ships of ancient civilisations and the Middle Ages to the great geographical discoveries with galleons and vessels, until the disappearance of sailing from military, merchant and passenger ships and its resurgence in the field of sport and leisure. A brief historical background is given for each age, followed by a detailed overview of the different types of vessels that looks at both navigation and technical aspects. The style is very accessible and is accompanied by a fitting selection of drawings and pictures.

      About the author

      Massimo Pappalardo is a former Professor of Electronics at the University of Salerno and at the Roma Tre University Faculty of Engineering, where he was also Director of the Electronics Department. He researched piezoelectric technologies and their applications to ultrasound images for medical diagnostics. He has written over two hundred papers for international journals and is a former associate editor for US magazine IEEE Transaction on Ultrasonic and Frequency Control. Since retiring from teaching he has dedicated himself to the study of the history and technique of sailing, which has always been his great passion.

  • Book formats

    • Binding: Paperback
      Size: 19,5 x 26
      Print: A colori
      Pages: XIV-370
      ISBN: 9788820391461
      Price: € 42,90

    Digital formats

    • epub
      ISBN: 9788820392215
      Price: € 35,99
    • Piattaforma: Amazon
      ISBN: 9788820392215
    • Piattaforma: Torrossa
      ISBN: 9788836002788
      Price: € 35,99