This book combines modern mindfulness with the science of the mind drawn up centuries ago by the Buddha, guiding the reader along the path to turn stress and suffering into balance and self-love.
Making friends with the thoughts that crowd the mind is a bit like learning to deal with a tiger and realising that the tiger’s aggression is only a product of the mind itself. The same awareness-oriented meditation used in the 6th century BC by the Buddha and later taken up by mindfulness gives us freedom of choice, so that we can turn our unconscious behaviour into a healthier, more balanced life, where we can express ourselves more genuinely.
It is a book on the Buddhist approach to stress that offers us a series of reflections and guided meditation practices, inviting us to reclaim the thread of life as we embark on a journey through the Four Noble Truths and along the Eightfold Path, ultimately reaching the ego question from the Buddha’s point of view.