• Opera

    • Great Expectations
      • Descrizione
    • Charles Dickens     

      Great Expectations

      Level B1/B2

      • Descrizione


      Meet Pip and embark on a journey into Victorian England with Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, a timeless novel of ambition, love, and redemption.

      Discover how Pip’s life is forever changed by a mysterious benefactor. From his humble origins, to a world of wealth, Pip struggles with his past, his conscience, and his love for Estella. Will Pip’s great expectations lead him to happiness, or will he lose himself chasing a dream?

      Dickens’ masterful storytelling brings to life a world of huge contrasts: poverty and privilege, kindness and cruelty, love and guilt, ambition and failure, generosity and selfishness.

      Unforgettable characters and vivid descriptions will offer a vibrant picture of the Victorian era.

      This edition includes activities for all four skills, cultural and historical dossiers, and Mp3.

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  • Formati libro

    Libro prenotabile
    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 15 x 21
      Stampa: A colori
      Pagine: 136
      ISBN: 9788836019328
      Prezzo: € 9,90