• Opera

    • Romeo and Juliet
      • Descrizione
      • Indice
      • Sfoglialibro
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti
    • William Shakespeare     

      Romeo and Juliet

      Level A2/B1

      • Descrizione
      • Indice
      • Sfoglialibro
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti


      Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most fascinating love stories of all time. It is the tale of a pair of ‘death-marked’ lovers belonging to two noble families who hate each other profoundly.

      The volume, written in simplified and modern English, includes an introduction to Shakespeare’s life and works; a wide variety of activities for the four skills; several Ket-style level A2 tests; and dossiers to explore and expand the cultural and historical aspects associated with the story.

      The volume ends with an exit test and provides a recording of some parts of the text.


      Dossier: William Shakespeare: Life and Career - A Family Feud - A Fateful Encounter - The Balcony Scene - Dossier: Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre - A Secret Marriage - A Fatal Duel - A Night of Love - Dossier: Shakespeare the Dramatist - An Unforeseen Proposal - My Lady’s Dead - The Star-Crossed Lovers - Dossier: What is so special about Romeo and Juliet?

      Allegati e weblink

      Mp3 online

      Risorse libere studenti

      Risorse docenti


  • Formati libro

    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 15 x 21
      Stampa: 4 colori
      Pagine: 96
      ISBN: 9788836003655
      Prezzo: € 10,90

    Formati digitali

    • Piattaforma: bSmart
      ISBN: 9788836005918
      Prezzo: € 8,17