• Opera

    • The Merchant of Venice
      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti
    • William Shakespeare     

      The Merchant of Venice

      Level B1

      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti


      A classic Shakespearean comedy, where the true nature of love and friendship is questioned. In a fast turn of events, both serious and funny, a smart woman’s plan will make a big difference in the battle between good and evil, saving an innocent from a cruel moneylender.

      Shakespeare’s original work is enriched with a subplot, where a group of students studies the comedy to pass an important audition.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to discover more about cultural and historical aspects. The volume also comes with a set of recordings.

      Allegati e weblink

      Mp3 online

      Risorse libere studenti

      Risorse docenti

  • Formati libro

    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 15 x 21
      Stampa: 4 colori
      Pagine: 160
      ISBN: 9788836008544
      Prezzo: € 10,90

    Formati digitali

    • Piattaforma: bSmart
      ISBN: 9788836008674
      Prezzo: € 8,17