Autore: Jane Austen

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    • Jane Austen   


      Step into Regency-era England with Jane Austen’s Emma, a literary gem that unveils the intricacies of love and society. Meet Emma Woodhouse, beautiful, clever and rich whose favourite hobby is matchmaking.

      As she busily organises the romantic affairs of her friends, she doesn’t realise she is developing feelings for a man she thinks is just a friend.

      Will she succumb to love despite her resolution to never marry?

      Austen’s smart observations on love, social class and self-discovery are brought to life through sparkling dialogue and vivid characters.

      Emma is a delightful journey through the ups and downs of the heart, where societal norms are challenged and love triumphs in the end.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to discover more about cultural and historical aspects and Mp3 files.

    • Jane Austen   

      Northanger Abbey

      Level B1

      Seventeen-year-old Catherine Morland is the story’s unlikely heroine. Gothic novels help her to escape from her ordinary life in the countryside. During a short holiday in Bath with some family’s friends she falls in love with Henry Tilney.

      Invited to visit Northanger Abbey, Henry’s estate, her obsession for Gothic novels and her tendency to confuse fiction and reality cause her several problems which will make her progress to maturity and self-knowledge. With this novel, Jane Austen parodies the improbabilities of Gothic fiction and criticizes its influence on women readers.

      The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to discover more about cultural and historical aspects and Mp3 files.

    • Jane Austen   

      Pride and Prejudice

      Level A2/B1

      One of the most famous romances in the history of literature, Pride and Prejudice, set in the England of the early 19th century, tells the tormented love story between Elizabeth and Darcy. They are surrounded by many unforgettable characters: the superficial and silly Mrs Bennet, the ridiculous Mr Collins, the arrogant Lady Catherine and the beautiful, sweet Jane.

      Even if love is the great protagonist of this novel, Pride and Prejudice is worth reading for other important themes like the role of women and the importance of wealth in the 19th century.

      In the volume, besides a wide range of exercises on vocabulary and grammar, two in-depth Dossiers focus on the society and customs of the time and describe the novel of manners, a literary genre to which most of Jane Austen’s works belong. An Audio-CD contains the complete recording of the text.