• Opera

    • Myriam and the Dragon
      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti
    • Valeria Trovato      Debora Troni     

      Myriam and the Dragon

      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti


      Myriam has just arrived in a new city with her family and she has a secret: she is a dragon breeder.

      Her new classmates know nothing about her, except that she is an excellent drawer. During a school trip to the Vajes Lake, a legendary place inhabited by mysterious dwarves who live hidden under the mountains surrounding the lake, Myriam will disclose her secret to the only classmate she regards as a real friend, Mirko. They will meet the dwarves because Myriam has an important mission to accomplish and she needs their help.

      The text includes a wide range of four-skills activities and a dossier about dragons in fantasy stories and legendary lakes.

      The volume gives access to the full recording of the story in Mp3 format.

      Risorse libere studenti

      Risorse docenti

  • Formati libro

    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 17 x 24
      Stampa: A colori
      Pagine: 64
      ISBN: 9788836016419
      Prezzo: € 8,90

    Formati digitali

    • Piattaforma: bSmart
      ISBN: 9788836016426
      Prezzo: € 6,68