Two Italian managers, two different authors, two men with the same passion, talk about how they understand leadership in a streamlined and innovative text capable of changing the way we look at the art of doing and much more.
Passion and talent, memory, the ability to work in a team inside a company, as in everyday life. What it means to be a leader today and, increasingly, the new challenges of tomorrow. Practical skill, moving constantly between passion and performance. The decisions, dreams, solitude, choices, sharing and vision.
Leadership means successfully taking your place at the head of an enterprise, a shared journey, an adventure lasting years. A new concept of time and space for new horizons, telling the story of fine results achieved, but also of overcoming the fear of facing monumental defeats, the eternal enemies, the thin red line between success and disaster.
Two real lives and a constant exchange of ideas. A new book, made of tags and cloud, practical and inspirational, with an appendix where we can read the biographies of some of history’s greatest leaders.