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    • María Lozano Zahonero   

      A new Guide to Spanish Grammar

      Theory and Practice

      The Nueva gramática de uso de la lengua española (A new guide to Spanish grammar) is a language learning manual designed to achieve level A1-A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

      This book is characterized by a cognitive approach to language and is organized to ensure an educational progression. It is divided into units developed on two-facing pages: contents are presented on the left, with clear theoretical explanations while, on the right, various types of exercises are provided relating to the topics which have just been covered.

      Students are helped in their studies by the inclusion of numerous infographics which foster the visual learning of some major aspects of the language.

      Particular care is devoted to the different varieties of the Spanish language and to correcting the most common mistakes made by Italian speakers.

      At the end of the book, there are the solutions to all the exercises. There are also Mp3 audio tracks.

  • Volumi che compongono l'opera

    • Alessandra Latino    Marida Muscolino   

      Express Italian

      Italian Exercises and Tests for Foreigners. With Keys. Levels A1-A2

      This is a workbook that allows you to independently practice Italian grammar topics, selectedon the basis of usefulness and adapted to the needs of foreign students.

      Perfect for self-study and as a complement to classroom and home study, the book provides a wide and diverse range of exercises and short reading texts, divided by tiered grammar topics.

      The book includes recap A1 and A2 level tests with keys, as well as a section where students can take words and expressions from the exercise book and translate them into their own language, thus creating their own personal dictionary.

  • Volumi che compongono l'opera

    • Sara Trovato   


      Literacy and basic skills

      A pre-A1 level text that introduces foreign students, in Italy and abroad, to the Italian language through highly interactive, motivating and playful teaching.

      The work makes it possible to work with students of the most varied levels, from first literacy to those who are proficient in various languages, but not in Italian.

      The book covers various topics such as the alphabet, numbers, basic vocabulary, word combination rules, phonetic and orthographic tools for reading and writing Italian correctly.

      It includes, in the appendix, a simple and practical guided tour for teachers at their first teaching experience.

    • Stefania M. Maci   

      English Tourism Discourse

      Insights into the professional, promotional and digital language of tourism

      The book explores the peculiarities of the English language in the field of tourism in all its promotional and professional aspects.

      The rapid development of the supply and demand chain in the tourism industry has forced the industry to adapt; in order to sell the same product to different targets and in different markets, tourism organisations must develop different textual genres that present content in a linguistically appropriate and convincing manner. By examining actual tourism material, the book highlights how tourism discourse in English dynamically reflects new trends in society and is a form of multimodal and hypertext communication that delivers exciting descriptions of destinations and conveys the idea that tourists are solely responsible for their choices. Aimed primarily at university or master’s degree students, the book also caters to researchers or scholars of sector-based languages.

    • Francine Pellegrini    Andras Gemes   

      Italiano per tedeschi / Italienisch für Deutsche

      Manuale di grammatica italiana con esercizi / Leherbuch Italienische Grammatik mit Übungen

      Italian for Germans delves into and translates all topics of Italian grammar with the German language, culture and mentality constantly in mind. Conceived with a bilingual approach, the text develops a correct didactic progression and can be used both in the classroom with the support of a teacher and by the self-taught. Divided into 24 chapters, the textbook provides the student with: an introduction to phonetics with listening exercises and downloadable mp3 tracks; explanations in Italian and German of all grammatical structures; instructions in two languages for carrying out the numerous exercises; a glossary of the most relevant terms after each exercise; the solution to all the exercises; an appendix with the conjugation of auxiliary verbs, regular verbs and irregular verbs; an essential Italian dictionary with a German translation of each entry.